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Friday, July 20, 2012

Gay Pride and the Kocherlball

Last weekend in Munich was quite eventful. Saturday was the Christopher Street Day, or basically what we Americans would call Gay Pride. It was fantastic! And it reminded me exactly of what an American gay pride would be, except with Weißbier and Currywurst. There was an actual parade, but we went to the festival part that took place right down in Marienplatz. There was a stage set up with dancers, singers, and other performances. There was also a special performance of Hairspray........in German. HA! Overall it was such a great experience and I'm so glad we went. Here are some photos.
What Marienplatz looked like from above
Balloons released for AIDS victims
Gay Pride! 
After a long night of partying, we got up at 5 AM to go to the annual Chinese Tower Kocherlball.  The Chinese Tower (Chinesicher Turm) is a beer garden that is smack dab in the middle of the English Gardens. It is one of the most popular beer gardens in Munich (and most touristy). Here's an explanation of the Kocerlball from ToyTown:

The Kocherlball tradition goes back to the year 1880. It is also known as the "Dotschen or Kocherlball". Up to a police prohibition 1904 met here in good weather on Sunday from five to eight o'clock to the 5000 the soldiers, housemaids, cooks, hausdiener and house personnel to the dance. So early, because one had to appear timely again to the work with the rule. These old residents of Munich tradition revives today again. Once in each July here thousands of residents of Munich in costumes of the turn of the century meet at six o'clock early to the dance.

It was a great time, even though I was a bit tired. The traditional Bavarian breakfast of Weißwurst and Weißbier was served, but I only had a beer and a pretzel. For some reason, a Weißwurst did not seem so appetizing at 5 AM. 

This was the turnout at 6 AM at the Chinese Tower. Not bad! 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Au Pairing....the good, the bad, and the UGLY

Alright, so I think it might be time to shed some light on this whole au pairing experience. As you can see by the title, it's not all a walk in the park. For more specifics about the ugly you can talk to me personally...

Overall, it's been good. The work is easy, averaging 6 hours a day, Monday-Friday, and a lot of that time for me is just spent hanging around the kids or taking them to school, basketball, etc. Sometimes I feel completely worthless and don't feel like I'm doing anything at all, but then one of the kids will start screaming at me and calling me names all day and I remember that I need to cherish the easy periods. And that being said, even the bad times can be remedied by cute apology notes written in German and friendship bracelets.

Apology note from one of the kids after he was mean to me and called me names

Friendship bracelet made by the same kid! 

At the end of the day, this au pairing thing isn't too bad. It definitely has it's moments, and I know its only been two weeks, but I think I will manage it. If I'm having a bad day, I just think about those afternoons that I can spend lying in the English Gardens reading and listening to music, and then it's all okay :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fourth of July

Fourth in July was pretty great, albeit without fireworks. Julia and I went to a beer garden called Waldwirtschaft in Großhesselohe, a town right outside of Munich. The beer garden had a fest going on this whole weekend, starting on the 4th, called the Little American Oktoberfest. It was hilarious. American flags everywhere, a German singer dressed as a cowboy singing American country music and classic rock, prime rib, WINGS, and lots of Americans. My personal favorite was when the German cowboy sang "King of the Road." I took a video just for you, dad! The quality is crappy, but you get the picture...

If you ask me, it was the perfect way to spend the 4th while abroad :) 

Monday, July 2, 2012


Last weekend I had my first ever experience with sailing! My host dad asked if I wanted to join him and M at the Ammersee for some sailing, and I thought, why not. It was soooo cool. My host dad picked up the hobby years ago and has his own sailboat.  The weather was perfect for it and there were tons of boats on the lake. I hope to do it again sometime soon!

There was also a family of swans swimming nearby :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

And the au pairing begins....and surfing!

Oooof! What a week. Sorry for my absence, but it's been busy. Yesterday my host family had a big abschluss party (goodbye party) for Bonnie. It was fun but very exhausting. I got to meet many family members and friends of the family. Now, I start my first day as the official au pair tomorrow. It should be...interesting. Wish me luck!

On another note, it's surfing time in Munich. Yes, surfing! Here in Munich in the beautiful English Gardens on the Eisbach, the river that flows through the park, you'll find surfers. They surf on a standing wave that is about a meter tall and is only for experienced surfers. Apparently people will surf all year round, even in the winter, when I'm sure the Eisbach (ice brook) is deathly cold. Nevertheless, it is very entertaining and the surfers always have a hefty audience.